XII Polish Boogie Festival

Bilety na XII Polish Boogie Festival

XII Polish Boogie Festival

Boogie Boys

27.07.2016 20:00


Polish Boogie Festival to podróż w czasie do epoki, w której na scenach królowały Boogie-Woogie, Blues, Rockabilly i Rock’n’Roll, po ulicach spacerowały piękne Pin Up Girls a panowie walczyli o ich względy na wyścigach Caferacer’ów. To podróż do złotej ery kina, kiedy to na ekranach podziwiano mistrzowskie pokazy taneczne Freda Astaire i Ginger Rogers. Polish Boogie Festival łączy wszystko to, co w kulturze lat ’40, ’50 i ’60 najpiękniejsze!
Piotr Baron z Programu III Polskiego Radia, mawia, że Polish Boogie Festival to obowiązkowa pozycja w kalendarzu prawdziwego fana muzyki.
My od siebie dodajemy, że Polish Boogie Festival , to święto radości i niezapomniane chwile, które pozostaną w waszych sercach na zawsze.


Polish Boogie Festival is nothing else but a travel to times when people danced to Boogie-Woogie, Blues, Rockabilly and Rock'n'Roll played on the biggest stages of the world, Pin Up Gilrs wandered around the streets and men fought for their hearts on caferacers. It's a jurney to the Golden Age of the cinema with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers performing their masterpiece dancing, and all the people admiring them from the other side of the screen. Polish Boogie Festival is just everything what's best in the culture of the 40's, 50's and 60's.
Piotr Baron, a radio host in Polskie Radio Program III, claims that Polish Boogie Festival is number one on the must-do list for everyone who claims themselves to be a true musci fan.
For us, Polish Boogie Festival is precisely, the festival of people, hapiness and all those big and unforgettable moments which remain long after.