Tribal Festival. Gala Show "Universe" - Theatrically-dancing show "Universe" - Kraków

Bilety na spektakl Tribal Festival. Gala Show "Universe" - Theatrically-dancing show "Universe" - Kraków - 13-05-2023

Spektakl Tribal Festival. Gala Show "Universe" - Theatrically-dancing show "Universe" - Kraków

Tribal Festival

13.05.2023 19:00

Kraków(Małopolskie) - Opera Krakowska

Tribal Festival to trzydniowe międzynarodowe wydarzenie taneczne, którego celem jest rozwijanie i wspieranie sztuki tańca oraz społeczności tribal bellydance. Różnorodne style tańca plemiennego będą wykonywane przez artystów solowych i grupy.

Tribal Festival is a three-day international dance event focused on developing and supporting dance art and tribal bellydance community. Festival include workshops and performance projects, Party, Gala Show and Bazaar. A variety of tribal dance styles will be performed by solo artists and groups (tribal fusion, ats, etc).

Event horizon, dark matter, clash of galaxies and cosmic dust... Every time we look up to the sky and dive to the incredible world far space. Universe doesn't have borders and time. It has no end. Which secrets of the creation are hidden in its depths? The Concert of the Tribal Festival will be performed as a theatrically - dancing show "Universe".

Saturday, May 13, 19:00 

Moria Chappell,

Ethel Anima,

Agata Zakrzewska & Siren Society,

Kira Lebedeva,

and others.

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